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فئة القسم
برامج صيانة الوندوز والكمبيوتر [480]
برامج الحماية والانتيفيروس [533]
برامج الإنترنت والشبكات [424]
برامج الصـوت والأغاني [256]
برامج الفـيديو والأفـلام [445]
برامج تشغيل الملتيميديا [210]
برامج الصور والمونتاج والرسم [409]
وندوزات كمبيوتر وتفعيلها [128]
برامج حرق ونسخ الإسطوانات [194]
برامج ضغط الملفات وتشفيرها [71]
برامج حذف البرامج [67]
برامج الفلاشات ميموري [28]
برامج الأوفيس و المستندات [246]
برامج تعريفات الكمبيوتر [93]
برامج صيانة وفورمات الهارد [95]
برامج استعادة الملفات المحذوفة [181]
شاشات توقف و خلفيات [23]
برامج الدش والراديو للكمبيوتر [58]
برامج كمبيوتر مختلفة [0]
ألعاب وندوز كاملة [75]
صندوق الدردشة
الرئيسية » 2012 » أغسطس » 13

Easy MP3 Downloader | 6.9 MB
برنامج البحث عن اغانيك MP3 المفضلة على الانترنت وتحميلها او الاستماع اليها

Easy MP3 Downloader, a revolutionary new program, provides you an easy, efficient and legitimate method to search and download music. Over 100 million songs are available. It is not a Peer-to-Peer program and it is 100% clean, safe and legal You're not sharing music with others and what you download is 100% safe MP3 files form the fastest servers. You don't have to worry about downloading virus or sources problem. Besides, Easy MP3 Downloader recommends you the USA Airplay Hot 100 of each week and lists the hottest songs of 14 categories to ensure that you download the latest music you desire.

Yo ... المـزيد More »
الفئة: برامج الصـوت والأغاني | مشاهدة: 825 | الكاتب: AbwOmar2011 | التاريخ: 2012-08-13  تعليقات: (0)

inLight Radio 1.3.2 + Portable | 8.69/12.21 Mb
برنامج الاستماع الى اكثر من 17000 محطة راديو عبر الانترنت

inLight Radio is an easy to use radio player for streaming music from the internet. By using inLight Radio to over 17,000 internet radio stations. inLight Radio allows you to listen to an online radio station, as well as record it to a separate file, in order to use it later. You can also add radio stations to a favorites list.

Note: The free version has some limitations (you can only perform 4 simultaneous recordings, you can view the front album cover art only in low resolution, you can only save 100 stations to favorites). In order to remove these limitations and add more features, you hav ... المـزيد More »

الفئة: برامج الدش والراديو للكمبيوتر | مشاهدة: 988 | الكاتب: AbwOmar2011 | التاريخ: 2012-08-13  تعليقات: (0)

MPC HomeCinema + Portable |14.22 Mb/12.73 Mb
برنامج هوم سينما الشهير لتشغيل جميع ملفات الملتيميديا والكوديك الصعبة

MPC HomeCinema is comfortable in all plans for the media player. It was built on the basis of a classical player Media Player Classic and one of the best collections of media codecs ffdshow, and thus can play many formats of video and audio files without installing external codecs. This player has a large number of different functionalities: it can play DVD disks, the hardware is able to decode H.264 format popular on the latest generation graphics cards, knows how to work correctly with the second monitor (TV), supports the various type of subtitles can work with QuickTime and RealVideo formats ... المـزيد More »

الفئة: برامج تشغيل الملتيميديا | مشاهدة: 824 | الكاتب: AbwOmar2011 | التاريخ: 2012-08-13  تعليقات: (0)

Advanced Uninstaller PRO 11.13 + Portable | 18.75/20.28 Mb
برنامج ازالة و حذف البرامج من جذورها

This easy-to-use Windows application uninstaller makes your computer run more efficiently by removing software and files that were left behind after you uninstalled software that you no longer use. In addition, the program performs a number of cleanup activities, making your computer more secure.

Very few software programs uninstall completely from your computer. Among the things left behind are unnecessary folders, obsolete files, and graphics that will never be used. In addition, there are often items placed in the Windows Registry that are not welcome, as well as spyware and other programs that threaten the security of your computer ... المـزيد More »

الفئة: برامج حذف البرامج | مشاهدة: 1128 | الكاتب: AbwOmar2011 | التاريخ: 2012-08-13  تعليقات: (0)

Wise Disk Cleaner 7.58.509 + Portable | 2.37/2.53 Mb
برنامج تنظيف ومسح سلة المحذوفات و الملفات المؤقتة والغير هامة ومحفوظات الانترنت لتوسيع مساحة الهارد ديسك

وتسريع وتحسين اداء الوندوز والكمبيوتر

Wise Disk Cleaner is a user friendly, fast and easy to use application developed to free up disk space by deleting junk files that are no longer used by any software on your system. Even the least experienced user can easily remove junk files with this tool. Your hard disk is littered with junk files you don't need, taking up precious hard disk space, and potentially slowing down your PC's performance. There are files of all kinds, such as temporary files that applications should delete when they're no longer needed, and ... المـزيد More »

الفئة: برامج صيانة الوندوز والكمبيوتر | مشاهدة: 770 | الكاتب: Ghost | التاريخ: 2012-08-13  تعليقات: (0)

Audacity 2.0.2 RC2|20.4 Mb
تسجيل وتحرير ومونتاج الصوت و مسجل ويندوز، ماكنتوش، جنو / لينكس، وأنظمة التشغيل الأخرى

Audacity is a easy-to-use audio editor and recorder for Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux, and other operating systems. Use it to edit your sounds using Cut, Copy and Paste (with unlimited Undo), mix tracks together, or apply effects to your recordings.

Audacity also has a built-in amplitude envelope editor, a customizable spectrogram mode and a frequency analysis window for a ... المـزيد More »
الفئة: برامج الصـوت والأغاني | مشاهدة: 1050 | الكاتب: Ghost | التاريخ: 2012-08-13  تعليقات: (0)

PGWare PCMedik | 2.4 Mb
برنامج صيانة وتسريع وتحسين اداء الكمبيوتر

PCMedik instantly makes your computer faster and fixes common problems associated with frustrating slowdowns and errors. Do you remember when you first turned your brand new computer on and how fast it worked? With PCMedik and a click of the mouse you can bring back this speed to your computer instantly. PCMedik quickly scans your computer for common problems and fixes them, it then makes several permanent changes to Windows so your computer feels like it is brand new once again. Don't deal with a slow computer and make tasks take longer to complete, install PCMedik and make your computer run faster.

Over time as you install new and updated software, you get the impre ... المـزيد More »
الفئة: برامج صيانة الوندوز والكمبيوتر | مشاهدة: 857 | الكاتب: RSHAD | التاريخ: 2012-08-13  تعليقات: (0)

PGWare PcBoost | 5 MB
برنامج تسريع وتحسين اداء معالج الكمبيوتر

PcBoost is a program which allows you to run programs much faster then the original programmer intended. With little to no effort you can easily make programs & games run faster on your computer without having to purchase a new PC. Many programs and games often use a minimal amount of CPU power which often leads to the CPU being idle and really not much use at all. PcBoost takes advantage of this by allocating more CPU power to the currently active program/game. All of this is done automatically without having you to lift one finger. PcBoost is a great affordable alternative to purchasing a new computer and can in no way harm or destroy a computer, while providing equivalent power that a ... المـزيد More »
الفئة: برامج صيانة الوندوز والكمبيوتر | مشاهدة: 846 | الكاتب: RSHAD | التاريخ: 2012-08-13  تعليقات: (0)

PGWare SuperRam | 6 Mb
برنامج تسريع الرام وتحسين وتسريع اداء الكمبيوتر

SuperRam allows you take control of your computer's memory, how physical memory is allocated and help determine the performance of your computer system. Windows routinely allocates memory to applications, games and system processes; over time the memory becomes completely used handling all of these tasks.

With SuperRam, memory management is tuned to maintain computer stability but a greater emphasis is placed on computer performance. Once installed SuperRam begins to monitor the total amount of memory your computer has installed, it also monitors when your computer reaches a threshold of memory to maintain, when that threshold is reached SuperRam immediately will release all memory that i ... المـزيد More »
الفئة: برامج صيانة الوندوز والكمبيوتر | مشاهدة: 799 | الكاتب: RSHAD | التاريخ: 2012-08-13  تعليقات: (0)

Trend Micro Titanium Maximum Security 2012 build 5.2.1035 | 116 MB
برنامج تريند سكيورتي للحماية الكاملة لكمبيوترك من تهديدات ومخاطر الانترنت و مكافحة الفيروسات والتجسس والبرامج الضارة.....

Trend Micro Titanium Maximum Security revolutionises Internet Security. Proven Cloud-based technology automatically stops Viruses & Spyware before they reach your computer - it’s a whole new way to protect your PC.

Features Of Titanium Maximum Security

Finds and blocks annoying and dangerous junk email and image spams. The real-time spam detection provides immediate protection from outbreaks.

Safeguard you from the latest on-line threats today and in the future. Titanium Maximum Security leverages T ... المـزيد More »
الفئة: برامج الحماية والانتيفيروس | مشاهدة: 1128 | الكاتب: AbwOmar2011 | التاريخ: 2012-08-13  تعليقات: (0)

Avira Antivirus Premium 2012 | 94 MB
برنامج افيرا انتيفيروس الشهير لمكافحة الفيروسات والحماية الكاملة من التهديدات

Avira Antivirus Premium 2012 brings crucial anti-phishing and privacy protection to your busy online world. We know your time is too valuable to be spent on configuring your antivirus. In a matter of clicks, youпїЅll remove incompatible antivirus programs and install perfectly configured security that wonпїЅt slow your machine down. So stay in touch and explore everything the internet has to offer: AviraпїЅs got you covered. If you communicate by email or surf the web frequently, you need a solid defense against phishing and malware. Chances are, the internet is part of your daily life. Emailing, socializing, downloading music, finding out last nightпїЅs game score пїЅ thereпїЅs always a reason ... المـزيد More »
الفئة: برامج الحماية والانتيفيروس | مشاهدة: 960 | الكاتب: AbwOmar2011 | التاريخ: 2012-08-13  تعليقات: (0)

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