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الرئيسية » وندوزات كمبيوتر وتفعيلها
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Windows XP Professional x64 Edition CORPORATE With All Updates Integrated May 2012

السريال مع الملف

Integrated driver intel storage AHCI v11.1.0.1006
Integrated intel chipset v9.3.0.1020
Integrated directx march 2010





3LINKS ... المـزيد More »
الفئة: وندوزات كمبيوتر وتفعيلها | مشاهدة: 718 | الكاتب: AbwOmar2011 | التاريخ: 2012-05-11  تعليقات: (0)

Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 Integrated March (2012) - TL  /  612 MB

Describe: This is the original Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 ISO (Volume License) including Microsoft updates till 15.03.2012 + SATA Drivers and Internet Explorer 8.
There's no serial needed during installation, the key is already inserted.
Windows Messenger, MSN Explorer and Internet Explorer 6 were removed (Internet Explorer 8 added).


وصف: هذا هو الأصلي مايكروسوفت ويندوز إكس بي SP3 الفنية ISO (ترخيص) ... المـزيد More »
الفئة: وندوزات كمبيوتر وتفعيلها | مشاهدة: 783 | الكاتب: AbwOmar2011 | التاريخ: 2012-05-07  تعليقات: (0)

Windows XP SP3 x32 Bits CLEAN-MEAN | 640.19 MB

Image bootable, let burn with Nero.Version is clean, error-free, no c_rack, no activation and other nonsense

Only use this key (you can do update ... etc):



صورة للتمهيد، واسمحوا حرق مع Nero.Version نظيفة، خالية من الأخطاء، لا c_rack، لا التنشيط وغيرها من هراء

< ... المـزيد More »
الفئة: وندوزات كمبيوتر وتفعيلها | مشاهدة: 711 | الكاتب: AbwOmar2011 | التاريخ: 2012-05-07  تعليقات: (0)

Aero x 2.5 - Theme for windows 7
OS : Windows 7 | Year : 2012 | 10.68 MB
ثيم جميل للوندوز 7

what's new in v 2.5

2 colors are now available "blue and purple
2 new orb "blue and purple"
a new background for the extended start menu"aero"
a new progress bars
and the windows frames are always fully"aero"

aero x v2.5 instructions:

run the Theme Patcher in Administrative mode (right-click "Run as administrator")
UAC must be turned off.
After patch, restart the computer to take effect.

Extract contents (Aero x.theme & Aero x folder) into C:\Windows\Resources\Themes
and double-click on aero x v2.5.theme or aero x v2.5 purple .theme
open the personalization window and choose the color proprietie ... المـزيد More »

الفئة: وندوزات كمبيوتر وتفعيلها | مشاهدة: 982 | الكاتب: AbwOmar2011 | التاريخ: 2012-04-29  تعليقات: (0)

Passware Windows Key Enterprise Edition 10.3.2585 Bootable CD Retail | 10.17 MB
برنامج فتح الوندوز المغلق بكلمة سر تحرقه على اسطوانة او فلاشة ثم تشغلها من البوت

Windows Key creates a password reset CD or USB Flash Drive that work during the boot process and instantly reset Administrator or other account passwords and Windows security settings that prevent you from logging in.


100% recovery rate
All passwords are reset instantly
Windows 7 New!, Vista, Vista SP1 supported
All Windows Workstations supported
All Windows Servers supported, including Server 2008 (Windows Key Professional and Enterprise editions only) New!
Resets passwords with a bootable CD-ROM
Resets passwords with a bootable USB drive (Windows Key Professional and Enterprise edition ... المـزيد More »
الفئة: وندوزات كمبيوتر وتفعيلها | مشاهدة: 1270 | الكاتب: AbwOmar2011 | التاريخ: 2012-04-17  تعليقات: (0)

Microsoft Windows XP SP3 Corporate Student Edition April 2012 (ENG/RUS) | 734.77 MB

The so-called "student" version of Windows XP, it is used for educational purposes and in that regard, it is designed for repeated installation without any further contact with the blacklist Windows Genuine Advantage. This version of Windows XP SP3 does not require activation, and is the official verification of the authenticity of Microsoft.

Being tested for validity MS
Does not require a key
Patched TCP IP, themes
Added driver DriverPacks BASE 10.06

Framework all in one 2.0 - 4.0
Internet explorer 8
Windows media player 11
Directx 9 Runtimes June 2011 (32bit only)
Directx Managed Code 1.1.0 (32bit only)
c + + runtimes 2005 & ... المـزيد More »
الفئة: وندوزات كمبيوتر وتفعيلها | مشاهدة: 750 | الكاتب: AbwOmar2011 | التاريخ: 2012-04-16  تعليقات: (0)


Windows XP Professional SP3 Integrated April 2012 (32-bit) + SATA Drivers | 559.97 MByte

This is the original Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 ISO (Volume License) including Microsoft updates till 14.04.2012 + SATA Drivers and Internet Explorer 8.
There's no serial needed during installation, the key is already inserted.
Windows Messenger, MSN Explorer and Internet Explorer 6 were removed
(Internet Explorer 8 added).

هذا هو الأصل مايكروسوفت ويندوز إكس بي SP3 الفنية ISO (ترخيص) ... المـزيد More »
الفئة: وندوزات كمبيوتر وتفعيلها | مشاهدة: 884 | الكاتب: AbwOmar2011 | التاريخ: 2012-04-15  تعليقات: (0)

XPLife 7 Final / 78,63 МB
برنامج جديد رائع لتحويل شكل وندوز
XP x86
بجميع اصدراته ولغاته الى وندوز 7 بالكامل ... المـزيد More »
الفئة: وندوزات كمبيوتر وتفعيلها | مشاهدة: 1044 | الكاتب: AbwOmar2011 | التاريخ: 2012-04-13  تعليقات: (0)


Windows Ghost XP Pro Sp3 Blue Extreme Final/ENG/x86
Size : 700 MB

Microsoft Windows Ghost XP Pro SP 3 BluExtreme 2010 v2.0 For All Main - This is a good system is Windows XP SP 3 with a nice interface and a full service pack.

Compatible with any PC or laptop, is supported by easy installation on full automatic, works smartly and sustainably. Fixed all the bugs, improved protection and performance. After installation, you can put a lot of useful programs on full automatic, if someone does not install the Russian language, I specifically cast in the archives of a complete package with all languages. All tested ... المـزيد More »
الفئة: وندوزات كمبيوتر وتفعيلها | مشاهدة: 855 | الكاتب: AbwOmar2011 | التاريخ: 2012-04-12  تعليقات: (0)

Microsoft Windows 7 OEM 48 in 1 (x86/x64)
Size: 4.2 GB

In the disk has all 48 versions of Microsoft Windows 7. Perfect copies of the OEM - or any activation, cracks and amendments.

All versions of English (ENG), updates are available. You get a virgin system, each of which can recreate in their what specifically needed.

List Windows 7 48in1:
(01) Windows 7 MSDN Ultimate 32-bit
(02) Windows 7 MSDN Professional 32-bit
(03) Windows 7 MSDN Home Premium 32-bit
(04) Windows 7 MSDN Home Basic 32-bit
(05) Windows 7 MSDN simplified version of 32-bit
(06) Windows 7 MSDN Ultimate 64-bit
(07) Windows 7 MSDN Professional 64-bit
(08) Windows 7 MSDN Home Premium 64-bit
(09) Windows 7 MSDN Home Basic 64-bit
(10) Windows 7 OEM Ultimate 32-b ... المـزيد More »
الفئة: وندوزات كمبيوتر وتفعيلها | مشاهدة: 790 | الكاتب: AbwOmar2011 | التاريخ: 2012-04-07  تعليقات: (0)

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