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الرئيسية » 2012 » فبراير » 22 » Recover Deleted Files 2012 v3.0.1 Final | 4.43 MB
0:34:19 AM
Recover Deleted Files 2012 v3.0.1 Final | 4.43 MB

Recover Deleted Files 2012 v3.0.1 Final | 4.43 MB
برنامج استعادة الملفات المحذوفة

استعادة الملفات المحذوفة يسمح لك لاستعادة وثائق ذات أهمية حاسمة، أو غيرها من الملفات التي قد فقدت قبل الحذف العرضي. قد تفقد هذه الملفات عن طريق إفراغ سلة المحذوفات، حذف او استعمال الإجراءات الأخرى التي تتجاوز سلة المهملات تماما. وتشمل هذه الإجراءات ويندوز التحول، حذف، حذف سطر الأوامر، وحذف الملفات الكبيرة مفرطة أو استخدام تطبيقات حذف الملفات دون سلة المهملات.

Recover Deleted Files allows you to recover critically important documents, or other files, which have been lost by accidental deletion. These files may be lost by emptying the Recycle Bin, or using other deletion actions that bypass the Recycle Bin altogether. Such actions include Windows Shift-Delete, command line deletion, deleting excessively large files or using applications that delete files without the Recycle Bin.

When a file is deleted from the Recycle Bin, or if the recycle bin is bypassed altogether, the file can no longer be recovered by the Windows Operating system. The content of the file still remains on the drive, relatively intact, until the section of the drive it occupies is overwritten by another file.

Recover Deleted Files identifies the contents of such lost files on the hard drive and allows you to recover them. If a file has been partially overwritten, Recover Deleted Files attempts to reconstruct as much of the file as possible with the remaining contents. This allows you to salvage at least part, if not all, of that recovered file to continue using it as required.
Recover Deleted Filesв„ў feature highlights
Recovers files instantly from hard drives, floppy drives and other types of fixed media. If you are a home user or a network administrator, Recover Deleted Files fills a critical gap in your data protection strategy.
Rapid scan engine - a typical hard drive can be scanned for recoverable files within minutes.
Scan all files and directories on selected hard drives.
Search for a recoverable file using part or all of its file name.
Utilizing a non-destructive, read-only file recovery approach. Recover Deleted Files will not write or make changes to the section of the drive from which it is recovering data.
Batch file recovery (recovers multiple files in one action).
Works around bad-sector disk areas. Recovers data where other programs fail.
Supports standard IDE/ATA/SCSI hard drives, including drives larger than 8 GB.
Supports hard drives formatted with Windows FAT16, FAT32 and NTFS file systems.




الفئة: برامج استعادة الملفات المحذوفة | مشاهده: 843 | أضاف: AbwOmar2011 | الترتيب: 4.0/1
مجموع التعليقات: 1
1 jride22_il   (2012-04-18 4:47:14 PM) [مادة]
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