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مشرف المنتدى: RSHAD, AbwOmar2011, mouhamed  
حصريا\أحدث اسطوانة تعريفات لكل الوندوزات AIO Driver Pack Aut
AbwOmar2011التاريخ: الخميس, 2011-07-07, 4:19:51 PM | رسالة # 1
القائد العام

المشاركات : 2489
جوائز: 10 +


الأخوة الأعزاء : أقدم لكم حصريا أحدث اسطوانة بتاريخ شهر 7 لعام 2011 تعمل تلقائيا لجميع التعريفات ولجميع أنواع الوندوز cool

حمل الاجزاء الاربعة ثم فك الضغط عنها تظهر لك الاسطوانة احرقها ببرنامج النيرو بسرعة بطيئة4x

AIO Driver Pack Autorun v3 For Win XP - Vista - 7 l Size 742 MB

Language : Multi Language
File Format : ISO
Platform / OS : Windows

The program of DriverPacks makes it possible to establish automatically driver to the majority of devices for several cries. With reinstallation Windows on the computer, always, are necessary the specific routines - driver. Sometimes, producers give disk with the drivers users or lay out them on their sites. If there is no such disk or they lost it, then this creates large problems. Interface for the driver of pack will help you!

This assembling already contains all packets of drivers and it will work immediately after running off.
Advantage DRP:
- It is not necessary to search for and to draw off the influential of the driver.
- It is not necessary to search for disks from the computer.
- It is placed on one CD with 700 mb in size.
- It approaches practically all computers.
- Rapidly to establish!
- It is easy to use!
- Instantly are determined which of the archives of the packets of drivers it is possible to establish to this computer.
Clever regime of installation. Are unpacked only containing information about this device files, which reduces the time of unpacking and considerably accelerates the installation of drivers.
Manual regime of installation. Is unpacked entire archive the driver - pack and it is allowed the selection: what driver to what device to establish. Can be installed from DRP or from the dispatcher of the devices





wleedالتاريخ: الخميس, 2011-07-07, 4:29:43 PM | رسالة # 2

جوائز:  +

مشكور اخي ابو عمر جدا على الاسطوانة المميزة للتعريفات وجاري التحميل smile
AbwOmar2011التاريخ: الجمعة, 2011-07-08, 6:13:10 PM | رسالة # 3
القائد العام

المشاركات : 2489
جوائز: 10 +

اهلا وسهلا بك اخي وليد معنا

jride22_ilالتاريخ: الثلاثاء, 2011-08-09, 9:09:42 AM | رسالة # 4
نائب القائد العام

المشاركات : 1051
جوائز: 5 +

بارك الله فيك وجزاك خيرا ....جهد رائع ومميز smile
ضيف شرفالتاريخ: الأحد, 2012-06-17, 4:34:03 PM | رسالة # 5

جوائز:  +

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