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صندوق الدردشة
الرئيسية » 2012 » فبراير » 17 » USB Manager 1.92 ML + Portable
10:27:22 PM
USB Manager 1.92 ML + Portable

USB Manager 1.92 ML + Portable | 1.06/1.56 Mb

برنامج للتحكم في فلاشات الكمبيوتر بنسختين عادية ومحمولة

USB Manager is a program serves as a helper in a management the connected devices USB. USB Manager is a small but useful application which allows users to manage USB connected devices. It has functions of complete shutdown and including USB ports for printers, scintiscanners and flesh of stores (through which spread great number of viral SOFTWARE).

The program will be useful for people which are the not unique users of the personal computer and does not wish that in their absence used any USB by a device, also useful in offices, where it is possible zablokirovat' USB ports and to put a password on their including.


USB Manager 1.92



USB Manager 1.92 Portable



الفئة: برامج الفلاشات ميموري | مشاهده: 738 | أضاف: AbwOmar2011 | الترتيب: 0.0/0
مجموع التعليقات: 0
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