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صندوق الدردشة
الرئيسية » 2012 » فبراير » 15 » PhotoAcute Studio v3.004 (х86/х64
2:32:03 PM
PhotoAcute Studio v3.004 (х86/х64

PhotoAcute Studio v3.004 (х86/х64) | 23 & 24 Mb
برنامج لتعديل ومونتاج الصور وتحسينها

PhotoAcute software processes sets of photographs taken in continuous mode. It utilizes superresolution algorithms to convert a sequence of images into a single high-resolution and low-noise picture, that could only be taken with much better camera.

Do you wish you could take photos with more details and less noise, with higher dynamic range and less chromatic aberrations?
You can take better images - with PhotoAcute Studio, leading edge tool for improving digital photos.

PhotoAcute for Digital Cameras:

* Image resolution increase beyond camera capabilities
* Noise reduction without losing image details
* Producing High Dynamic Range (HDR) images
* Images alignment on sub-pixel level
* Revealing details that are usually invisible/indistinguishable
* Expanding the Depth of Field (focus stacking)
* Chromatic aberrations correction
* Fixing handshaking artifacts in low light conditions


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الفئة: برامج الصور والمونتاج والرسم | مشاهده: 763 | أضاف: AbwOmar2011 | الترتيب: 0.0/0
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