Photo Crop Editor v2.02 | 5.4 MB
برنامج قص الصورة ووضعها على خلفية جديدة Photo
Crop Editor is an Interactive Photo Editor software for selecting and
removing an object in a picture or photograph from its background. The
user can then compose the result on a different background to create a
new scene. Interactive Photo Editor works even if foreground and
background colors are similar.
Interactive Photo Editor consisting of three steps:1. Object marking:
this first, coarse step the user quickly identifies the object of
interest by marking quick mouse strokes, using left-click for foreground
and right-click for background. The software will lookup object
boundary automatically.
2. Boundary editing:
In the refinement step, the user can edit a boundary directly.
3. The final step extracts the cut out object and compose it onto new background.
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