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الرئيسية » 2012 » فبراير » 22 » AostSoft All Document Converter Professional 3.8.2
1:46:27 AM
AostSoft All Document Converter Professional 3.8.2

AostSoft All Document Converter Professional 3.8.2 | 21.1 Mb
برنامج تحويل كل صيغ الورق

كل وثيقة تحويل المهنية هو تحويل وثيقة سهلة الاستخدام والادوات الفنية. فإنه يمكن تحويل دفعة ومكتب وورد، باور بوينت، اكسل وقوات الدفاع الشعبي، النص، HTML، وصور ذات جودة عالية الانتاج وسرعة التحويل السريع.

يمكن أن يدعم تنسيقات شاملة: كلمة مكتب (وثيقة، DOCM، DOCX)، إكسل (xls أو xlsx، xlsm)، باور بوينت (PPT الصور :: pptm، PPS، PPSX، ppsm)، RTF، PDF، TXT، HTML، HTM، JPEG، JPG، BMP، TIFF، GIF، WMF، EMF، PSD، PNG، JP2، J2K الخ. المزيد من خيارات الإعداد لتمكنك من السيطرة على ملف الإخراج بشكل أكثر دقة.

Aostsoft All Document Converter Professional is an easy-to-use and professional document conversion tool. It can batch convert office Word, PowerPoint, Excel , PDF , Text, HTML and Images with high output quality and fast conversion speed.

It can supports comprehensive formats: Office Word(doc, docm, docx), Excel(xls, xlsx, xlsm), PowerPoint(ppt, pptc, pptm,pps, ppsx, ppsm), rtf, PDF, txt, html, htm, jpeg, jpg, bmp, tiff, gif, wmf, emf, psd, png, jp2, j2k etc. More setting options to let you control the output file more accurately.

Key Features

It is a standalone program which does not need Adobe Acrobat software support.
It provides user-friendly interface.
Supports to choose the entire folder and sub-folder to convert.
Supports to add files, folder by dragging and dropping.
Supports saving output files in the same folder as original files.
Supports to customize the output folder.
Supports to convert image files to editable Word,RTF,HTML,TXT document.(OCR) .
Supports to convert DOCX, DOCM, XLSX, XLSM, PPTX, PPTM, PPSX, PPSM of MS-Office 2007/2010.
Supports to convert encrypted PDF file.
Supports to convert the whole PDF file or you can choose specific pages.
Supports to customize DPI when convert PDF to SWF, Image format.
Supports to convert PDF to PowerPoint,Word, Excel, Html, Image with preserve the original content, layout etc.
Supports to convert each page of PDF to single HTML, Image Gif, TIFF file.
Supports to convert Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Image to PDF with preserve the original content, layout etc.
Supports to convert each slides of PowerPoint to single PDF.
Supports to resize image to fit PDF page size.
Supports to creat PDF with user and owner password protection.
Supports to convert multi-page PowerPoint,Word,Rtf, TIFF, and GIF to multi-page PDF.
Supports to convert each page content of Word/Rtf to single Image file.
Supports to merge converted image files to multi-page PDF/Word/Excel/PowerPoint/Tiff/multi-frame SWF/Gif.
Supports to convert multi-page TTif/Gif to multi-page PowerPoint/Word/Rtf/Excel.
Supports to split TXT to multi-page powerpoint using delimiter (eg:~~).
Supports to split TXT to multi-page powerpoint using blank line.
Supports to convert multi-page TIFF and animated GIF images.
Supports to customize PowerPoint slide size and direction.
Supports to customize JPG JPEG image quality from 1-100.
Supports to customize image color depth.
Supports to merge PowerPoint slides to single PDF/HTML/Gif/TIFF file.
Supports to customize the output image size.
Supports to customize GIF,SWF playing speed.

Home Page: http://www.aostsoft.com/aostsoft-all-document-converter-professional.html


الفئة: برامج الأوفيس و المستندات | مشاهده: 812 | أضاف: AbwOmar2011 | الترتيب: 5.0/1
مجموع التعليقات: 0
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